Success Stories

Since learning the F.E.E.L. process, I’ve experienced breakthroughs & great experiences. One issue in particular had weighed on me for over 11 years. I wanted to address it, tried many times, but just could not get started. Thanks to learning the F.E.E.L. process, I got rid of my excuses, and finally felt the motivation and energy necessary to move forward. As far as I am concerned you are a gift from God just when I needed it. Now I know I have something that does work, and it is life-changing! Thank you so very much Michelle for sharing the F.E.E.L. process.
“Michelle’s work has really helped me open the door to my full potential and to help me achieve what, deep down, I know I´m capable of achieving.”
Michelle´s work has really helped me open the door to my full potential and to help me achieve what, deep down, I know I´m capable of achieving. Her teachings of the F.E.E.L. process helped me to identify and work through the issues that are blocking me, and shown me how to work through them. I now include Michelle among the few highly regarded people who have made an amazing change in my life. I highly recommend her work to anyone who wants to make a positive change in their lives.
“My Business Tripled in Just a Few Days!”
As an entrepreneur who is passionate about my work, I would also at times get weighed down by fears and responsibilities. Michelle has shown me how to tap into all of my feelings to see the spiritual guidance available to me at all times. Working with Michelle created such profound breakthroughs for me on many levels but most surprising was how integrating her work would impact my business success. After one particular session, I knew I had made a dramatic shift and suddenly my business tripled in just a few days!Through the insight Michelle has shared, I have catapulted to a new level of operating my business and a new dimension of living a fulfilled life!
“I have learned to find my STRENGTH.”
Michelle took me away from the level of the problem to the level of the solution..I have learned how to find my STRENGTH. I feel so uplifted, so grateful and so lighthearted. I feel I now know the best SECRET! I am so grateful for having you in my life!!
“The F.E.E.L. process brought my hidden fears to the surface in order that I could begin addressing them from the standpoint of love.”
Michelle, I want to thank you for teaching me the F.E.E.L. process. It turns out that I have a lot of fear around being a real businesswoman because it would mean that I had to take care of myself and not rely on someone else to do it for me. I realized that I have always wanted someone else to take care of me and that I am fearful of doing things on my own because of the fear of not knowing how to do things, looking dumb, standing out from others, not being understood or supported for my dreams and wants, etc. I know these are many common fears, but I just hadn’t realized that they were all there. The F.E.E.L. process brought these fears to the surface in order that I could begin addressing them from the standpoint of love. Through your program I have been able to learn how to face and deal with the “negative” emotions that I have had and come to realize that ALL emotions have something good to teach me and give me to improve my life. I am so grateful for the empowering shift that has allowed me to face my feelings and then be able to offer my message to others. Many blessings to you for sharing this powerful process!
“What I value about Michelle’s F.E.E.L. process is that you learn to no longer judge how you feel.”
As a physician dedicated to supporting people to heal from within and consciously evolve, I have seen the negative impact blocked emotions have on one’s physical and mental well-being. What I value about Michelle’s F.E.E.L. process is that you learn to no longer judge how you feel. Instead you view your negative feelings and fears through the eyes of love. Then as just as hunger leads you to seek nourishment and labor pains to birth, you will create a new and well nourished life of love.
“Besides receiving an amazing promotion, I am now more confident!”
Michelle´s work on how to Feel Every Emotion as Love, shifted me from feeling paralyzed from fear and anxiety to now having an exciting new lease on life. Besides receiving an amazing promotion, I am now more confident – which has allowed me to open the door to so many more new experiences & change my life in immeasurable ways! Thank you Michelle for showing me how much more amazing life can be!
“Michelle’s work teaches you exactly what you need to know to gain the momentum necessary to take your next big leap!”
Through my experiences as a 5x best-selling author and real estate artist, I have learned to harness my fear as motivation. Michelle’s work takes this one step further by teaching exactly what you need to know to gain the momentum necessary to take your next big leap! Michelle’s F.E.E.L. process is one-of-a-kind in that it teaches you how to tap into the positive power of your negative feelings, something anyone can use when you are ready to share more of your gifts with the world!
“I was struggling to breathe…I wanted more out of life… Now, I am excited to be designing the life I truly want!”
Michelle came into my life exactly when she was supposed to come into my life. I was in denial and fighting the fact that I was struggling to breathe, but knew I could no longer live my life the way that I was living. I wanted more out of my life and wanted a fulfilling life. Working with Michelle has given me the chance to view my life and the possibilities differently, and in the way that I have always wanted to view my life. I’ve learned how to be aware of my feelings and emotions and understand why I’m feeling a specific way, and then how to act upon a specific feeling and emotion. I’ve learned what success means to me, and I’ve learned what I am passionate about. I am excited to now be designing the life I truly want!
“Get ready to have your Universe be turned totally inside out!”
“Get ready to have your Universe be turned totally inside out! Michelle uses her gifts to peel you layer by layer. There’s nothing you can hide. I found that what I once blamed on others (the outcomes I didn’t want) was something I needed to learn to take responsibility for within me. I learned that all of us deserve more than mediocre and my emotions were guiding me to stop tolerating. I can’t thank you enough Michelle!
“I Feel Like a New Me!”
Thank you for all of your wisdom, and expertise for my spiritual and emotional healing. We had 3 great sessions and I feel like a new me. The space that you hold for opening and growth is really wonderful. My heart is still vibrating from our last session. I really appreciate how quickly you can get to the underlying cause of a stuck belief and the guidance that you offer to help move through the energy is amazing.
“Through Michelle’s Work, I Have Healed My Battered Self-Worth.”
Michelle’s work made me aware of pain regarding a relationship that I thought I was over with and had buried. Through her work I was able to reclaim my power within my relationship as well as heal my battered self-worth. In doing so, my relationship has moved to new levels of strength and intimacy and I learned to value myself enough to take care of myself. I have never felt better.
“The Progress I Made Was Beyond My Expectations”
I decided that I needed to make some changes in my life; things that plagued me but that I had thought were too difficult to change. Or worse, that it was too late to change. Working with Michelle allowed me to look at some situations that I couldn’t have done or looked at without her support due to her very productive and very intuitive style of coaching. In the end, I had made progress beyond my expectations, so much so that I began to take on several other problematic life situations that I never thought I could address!
“For weeks, I have literally been unable to move off the couch. Now I feel joy toward my life again!”
For weeks, I have literally been unable to move off the couch. When I read an article of Michelle’s, I intuitively felt like she understood this state I was in. I took the leap and decided to purchase the F.E.E.L. Virtual Mastery Home Study Program. All it took was me listening to the first lesson and I began to feel my energy shift after weeks of feeling paralyzed. By the second lesson, my energy had completely shifted. I feel freed up, as I reengaged in my artistry, and feel joy toward my life again! I feel terrific, productive and very creative. Thank you Michelle for this work, I highly recommend this program!
“This work led me from years of being afraid to enter the dating world to now dating again!”
I felt heard by Michelle, and felt that she was relentless (in a good way) to get to the bottom of what’s been going on with me. She helped me understand how my emotions were blocking me and how to begin working with them. In particular, we dealt with my anger and my fearfulness in expressing it. She encouraged me to communicate what was going on for me, and very specifically how to communicate the anger piece in a way that was respectful to both of us. I never felt Michelle shy away from this part of the work, nor did I ever feel anything but encouragement to express feelings, even if they were not pretty. This work has led me to trust myself by listening to my instincts and expressing my feelings. Ultimately, this work led me from years of being afraid to enter the dating world to now dating again and reviving my interest to enter into a romantic relationship. I’ve learned so much about communicating with myself and others, a skill I will continue to carry with me indefinitely!
“Now I Know My Needs Are Worthy of Being Met.”
Michelle has supported me to stop the wishful thinking about a relationship that did not and would not ever fulfill me. I am so grateful to learn this now, rather than waste any more time in a relationship that was not my ideal. In that relationship, I was afraid to have needs. Now I know my needs are worthy of being met. I feel more empowered, confident and deserving than I ever have before! I am grateful my essence knew better and the universe lead me to Michelle. Thank you, Michelle, for your help and guidance in this necessary journey in my life.
“I Used to Turn to External Sources for Comfort, Now I Know How to Connect to My Inner Self.”
I feel that my life has been blessed with an amazing husband, son and career doing my passion. Yet, even though those major aspects were going well, I found myself turning to external sources as a reward at the end of the day. This caused struggles for me.
Now that I have been guided by your insight regarding emotional well-being, my life is connected to a whole new dimension of myself. I understand why I previously relied on external sources for comfort. I know now how to connect to my inner self. My relationships have become deeper with those I care for and I have let go of toxic relationships both professionally and socially.
Most important is the intense connection that I now feel to spirit, which I feel so intensely present at all times. This connection has changed my life in immeasurable ways that brings me greater peace, joy and presence in my life. Thank you Michelle for making my blessed life a richer, deeper and more fulfilling journey for me.
“Michelle’s F.E.E.L. Process helped me shift into a more peaceful & empowered person!”
Through learning the F.E.E.L. process, my awareness of emotions increased & I allowed the messages of the feeling to be revealed to me. Then I could decide how to go forward. This choice is powerful! I have been very involved in ‘the man’s world and way of being’ and behaved like my feelings were better suppressed. I started to relate to my way of coping with the disappointments and sadness of my life. The F.E.E.L process supported my quest for understanding and growth. Thank you so much for helping me shift into a more peaceful and empowered person!
“From being financially blocked to knowing I have more than enough!”
Before working with Michelle, I was most challenged with a misunderstanding of how my thoughts around being seen and receiving wealth were entwined. Michelle helped me connect with past trauma which I’d never recognized. Now, I have learned to allow myself to receive and to pay attention to what truly feels good! To do that I had to become aware of self restrictions which impede the flow of my Source energy and how old patterns of serving others were really a way of hiding myself. When we started, I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough money to meet the monthly commitment. I have had more than enough. Michelle’s peaceful self accepting presence opened me to my own peaceful self acceptance.
“Michelle’s F.E.E.L. Process is a brilliant way for us all to use our feelings as rocket fuel for transformation.”
Michelle’s F.E.E.L (Feel Every Emotion as Love) Process is a brilliant way for us all to access the power of our emotional life and use our feelings as rocket fuel for transformation. Michelle is a masterful guide in helping us navigate emotional waters and authentically move closer to wholeness: such important work at this evolutionary time on the planet.
“All My Intentions Were Met Through the Work I Did With Michelle”
When I first began working with Michelle my intentions were threefold. First I wanted to change my mental outlook. Second, I wanted to stop doing things that keep me from being happy. Third, I desired to enjoy what I have in life and not worry about what I don’t have. My ideal was to move from feeling boredom to creating a life that feels challenging and rewarding. After working with Michelle, I finally feel that my ideal has occurred. I recently received a promotion that offers that challenge and reward that I desired in my career. As I was being considered for this promotion, a message that I received was how much more comfortable I am with myself. Although I felt this within myself, having this externally validated by receiving the promotion has demonstrated that all my intentions were met which I credit through the work I did with Michelle.
“I Am Living for Me & Finding Happiness in Everyday Moments.”
After working with Michelle, I can now can see how I was barely making it day-to-day in survival mode. I fell into the trap of living my life unconsciously for others. Like Michelle told me, “Life would hand me demands and I would just react.” I was consumed by my reactionary life, leaving me no energy to create what I wanted or dreamed of. Now, with a new sense of energy, I have begun to create the life and happiness that my heart truly desires. I am living my life for me and finding happiness in everyday moments. I have learned that I don’t need to settle because I deserve so much more. I have learned how to give unconditionally to others without losing sight of myself. But most importantly, I have learned to follow the voice within myself because then I am truly living authentically and creating the life my heart desires. Michelle is an amazing teacher who has taught me how to listen to my feelings to obtain the future I want.
“I Have Gone Through Struggling with Infertility to Now Excitingly Awaiting the Birth of My Son!”
I have been struggling through infertility for over three years. With each fertility treatment, and resulting disappointment, my emotions were getting further and further out of control. Things in my life began to revolve almost completely around my dream of becoming a mother and the sadness of this dream not coming true. At my lowest emotional point I connected with Michelle and began her program. With each session I started to feel stronger and more in control. Michelle helped me to learn about myself in a very kind and compassionate manner. My anger began to dissipate and I started to see that my life path does not have to be the same as everyone else’s. Through the work we have done together, I felt much more strong and centered. I have learned invaluable tools that I used each time I found myself sad, angry or bitter over my situation and was able to work through these emotions before they overwhelmed me. I feel grateful to have the knowledge and skills Michelle gave me as I go forward in life. Now as I excitedly await the birth of my son, I look back to my sessions with Michelle as invaluable tools which allowed me to relax and continue treatments with a clearer mind and soul.
“Michelle Touched My Heart in Ways I Could Not Imagine!”
I had the awesome opportunity to work with Michelle Bersell, and she touched my heart in ways that I could not imagine. She was there for me at a time that I was struggling with some parental issues. I am so grateful for her insight and the confidence I now have to move forward!
“I Am Smiling Again – FOR REAL!”
I am smiling again – FOR REAL! It feels different – like it hasn’t in years. Lighter and so much easier to spread across my face. I feel confident.
“I No Longer Look Outside Myself for Approval.”
Working with Michelle has allowed me to gain more confidence in myself. Prior to our work together, I would feel timid to honestly express myself. Now, I have learned to listen to my gut rather than look outside myself for approval. Having the skills Michelle has taught me makes me feel more powerful and in control of creating the life I desire.
“The F.E.E.L process is helping me to find a path to a happier, freer way of thinking and living my life.”
I had been dealing with loss in various forms in my life, when I joined Michelle’s program. The F.E.E.L process is helping me to find a path to a happier, freer way of thinking and living my life. My husband and daughter will also benefit from this learning and I think that is a great gift that I can give them. Through this process I have found myself thinking less about what I have lost and instead reaching out more to people I am feeling a connection with. This has led me to create new, wonderful experiences within my relationships and I look forward to creating more!Thank you Michelle for this opportunity!!
“Working with Michelle has been extraordinary! Our work together has led me to face my biggest fears and find strength, wisdom, and power that I didn’t know I had.”
When my life took an unexpected turn with my daughter Lulu’s diagnosis of Leukemia, I learned to channel the roller coaster of emotions with raw vulnerability. In allowing my true self to be seen, I have experienced numerous gifts and miracles. One of these gifts is finding a love for writing. I have an award-winning personal blog, and am finally bringing to life my children’s book called The What If Book. The meaning of the book is so perfect for kids like Lulu, who needed a reason to dream, a little something to give them hope and inspiration.
“I went from uncertainty to CLARITY about my PURPOSE!”
“Working with Michelle over the past year has been a rewarding and enlightening experience. She took me from a place of uncertainty about the direction I wanted my life to take, to having clarity about the direction and my purpose in this life. She was the perfect mirror for me, pointing out when I was creating distractions to hide from my Self and the work I am meant to do. She also helped to guide me to new perspectives about my relationship around food, my weight, and the clutter in my life. Michelle would also celebrate my victories, no matter how small or big, and the insights I gained about how every aspect of my life is tied together. It is hard to believe how far I’ve come in only one year, yet with Michelle’s guidance and support, I am not surprised. She has helped me step fully into Self-empowerment and I am eternally grateful.”
“Little did I know that Michelle would help bring my relationship to a much deeper level of love so quickly!”
“Working with Michelle during her Sacred Relationship Program has been life changing. Little did I know that Michelle would help bring my relationship to a much deeper level of love so quickly. Michelle made me aware that I struggled to receive from my husband. I blamed him for not providing me with what I needed. When I opened up my heart to receive, miraculously my resentment disappeared.
Now, we function from a place of love rather than fear and unworthiness.
Doing this work has also helped open up my eyes to my limiting beliefs about what it means to be successful in my Coaching Business. Though I have moved forward in growing my practice, I have not been able to bring it to the level I desire. I am grateful that Michelle has helped guide me in following my deep desires. Now that I have released this fear and realize its just not true, my business has grown and l have more freedom and flexibility in my life. Thank you Michelle for offering your love and compassion. You have been an angel in my life.”
“After 30 years of marriage who would have thought your work could be so helpful!”
“Thank you so much for your relationship building work that I have been able to partake in. I cannot believe how effortless our marriage is (compared to before ). My husband is saying things that I never would have expected. “When will we talk again? When will I see you again?” It’s very endearing. Thank you so much for this lifelong love journey you started us on. What a gift. After 30 years of marriage who would have thought your work could be so helpful.”
My introduction to Michelle was through my daughter and her husband. Their transformation as a couple and as individuals was dramatic. Their happiness, confidence and even their physical look changed for the better as a result of their connection to Michelle.I have suffered with panic disorder most of my life. It had gotten to the point where I was spending more time worrying and in fear than enjoying my life as a retired grandma.My marriage was O.K. generally, but there was a lot of sadness and anger that was never expressed or dealt with in a mature way.Michelle helped us to see our marriage in a new light – as a loving partnership where problems could be brought up and discussed with love and respect. We love our relationship when it’s working. We know how that feels. When things go wrong and the relationship is no longer loving or respectful, we know how that feels, too. Both of us have the desire to come together to fix what’s not working. It’s the coming together with love and the shared desire to ‘be in love’ that has changed our marriage for the better. I know that our love is deeper, and we are closer because of our work with Michelle.As an individual, Michelle targeted my strengths, showed me my beauty and ultimately reinforced a more positive self image. Worrying and fear continue to diminish as I put Michelle’s teachings into practice. She worked with my husband in the same way.We both agree that besides all Michelle’s love and kindness, there was a certain ‘toughness’ about Michelle – like a tough love aspect to her that we respected.There was also something wonderful about working with Michelle. There was a certain vibe/energy from her- something spiritual and loving in her presence and manner that made my husband and me love being around her.We are better people for having connected with Michelle. We will always thank her for that.