
Emotional Empowerment: Building emotional health skills to prevent mental health challenges!

Prepare students to know how to directly address the onslaught of emotions that come with most college experiences.

The Reality 

Students Emotional Experience throughout a year of college:  

Feel Very Sad

Feel so Depressed It Is Difficult to Function

Feel Overwhelmingly Anxious

Feel Overwhelmingly Anger

Feel Exhausted (Not From Physical Activity)

Consume Alcohol to Deal with Stress


75% who are struggling do NOT seek treatment for their mental health.


There’s a disconnect between emotional health and mental health, where negative feelings are not addressed until there’s a mental health crisis.


Emotional Empowerment bridges the gap between emotional health & mental health by proactively teaching students why they feel the way they do & what they can do about it in order to create greater empowerment & resiliency toward their emotional well-being.

The Tools:

Provide your students with Empowered Solutions for when they feel…


Before there’s a crisis.


Emotional Empowerment: Turn Your Negative Feelings Into Allies

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Emotional well-being impacts student productivity, friendships, relationships, confidence and success. Yet, negative feelings are largely misunderstood. While emotional management techniques such as breath-work or shifting focus from negative to positive can be beneficial, students still don’t have a clear understanding as to why negative emotions arise in the first place. When there is uncertainty as to how to deal with the emotional ups and downs of college life, negative feelings can take over and become overwhelming. Learn why feelings such as anxiety, anger, and sadness emerge and the empowered action that can be taken in order to cultivate greater emotional resiliency, self-trust, and confidence. Build emotional health skills by learning how to directly address negative feelings before they turn into a mental health challenge.

Train the Trainer

Workshops for Student Leaders or Staff to Foster Resiliency and Emotional Growth

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From Student Affairs, Peer Educators, or RA’s, give leaders who directly interact with students an empowered understanding of emotional health and well-being. As leaders understand the underlying signals to the most common negative feelings, they are better able to support students to make an empowered shift. Leaders will also be given tools and guidelines to learn how to support students’ negative feelings from an empowered and resilient perspective, as well as how to address students without unintentionally increasing stress.

Continued Skill Development

Engrain New Emotional Habits

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Like all health habits, it’s through continued exposure and practice that supports lasting change. Provide your students with the tools to reiterate a new healthy relationship with their negative feelings through online courses they can access 24/7. Online training options include: Emotional Empowered On-the-Go, which includes short trainings under 5 minutes on over 50 different negative feelings to shift from disempowerment to empowerment. Emotional Empowerment Training, which gives students an education in emotional well-being in order to foster a healthy and empowered relationship with all their feelings. 30 Day Anxiety-Repair, which teaches how to shift one’s relationship with anxiety from worry and self-doubt to self-trust and inner peace.

The Outcome:

Students gain emotional health skills that support the prevention of unaddressed negative feelings turning into mental health challenges!

Contact Michelle to discuss how Emotional Empowerment Training can be integrated into your workplace or university to build an emotionally empowered and resilient workforce or student body!

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