Go to your phone and find a picture of yourself.
What do you see?
What are the qualities of yourself you focus on first?
Why those qualities?
From your perspective, what do they mean about who you are?
Now, lift off the skin as though you’re taking off a costume and go to the core of YOU.
Describe your essence.
What’s the gap between what you allow others to see and what remains unseen?
The energy of this year begins with an invitation to bring forward the parts of your essence that have wanted to come forward but you’ve have been too afraid to share.
The opportunity is to recognize there is a consequence to keeping the unseen parts protected.
It is like witnessing someone lying and not saying anything. While you aren’t the person doing something blatantly dishonest, you are still withholding the truth.
Trust me, I get it. The withholding feels safer because there’s less of you to be judged, rejected or misunderstood.
2017 is offering a gift to deepen our own sense of love, compassion and understanding by being unfuckwithable (a great term created by Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani).
While the term “unfuckwithable” implies others can’t mess with you or bring you down, the truth of the matter is that the only way not to feel rejected is that you refuse to reject yourself.
It means you allow yourself to be more than the picture of yourself that you accept and bring compassion to the parts of you that are misunderstood…by you.
I guarantee the misunderstood parts of you aren’t as dark as you think. They, too, are filled with love.
Fortunately, we have our emotions to help each of us reclaim the parts we have believed deserve shaming.
If you are withholding parts of yourself, you will feel sad, anxious and afraid. You should feel that way when you are rejecting yourself, right?
The empowered version of your emotions is actually trying to help you to receive the parts of you that have been shamed.
Your sadness is a signal that you are rejecting you.
Your anxiety is a signal that you cannot control keeping the “unacceptable” aspects of you at bay any longer.
Your fear is a signal that you’ve given your power away to others to define you rather than you defining yourself from love.
The antidote is to love you – the big, bold, bad ass you…like never before. I’m talking about unapologetically receiving the pretty (“acceptable”) and snarly (“unacceptable”) parts that comprise you.
This whole you offers a unique contribution to the world that can’t be made by anyone else nor would you be able to contribute at the level you are capable of sharing without the snarls within you.
So, fuck the shame that was put upon you. The world needs more love and it starts within you.
With Bold and Brazen Love for ALL Aspects of YOU,