Once your organization has gone through the initial offerings of Emotional Empowerment, support your workforce through continued reinforcement of this new, revolutionary approach to negative feelings. In order to have the greatest impact on employees’ psychological needs, provide extended training of an approach to emotional well-being and mental health that models empowered choice, self-awareness, and building internal resilience.
Emotional Empowerment On-the-Go
Focus: An Empowered Relationship to Anxiety, Sadness, Anger, Frustration, Guilt + Processes to Reduce Emotional Triggers
Availability: Virtual
Emotional Empowerment On-the-Go
Focus: An Empowered Relationship to Anxiety, Sadness, Anger, Frustration, Guilt + Processes to Reduce Emotional Triggers
Availability: Virtual
This one-of-a-kind program shifts your workforce from emotional overwhelm to greater emotional empowerment in 5 minutes or less! Whenever a negative feeling comes up, employees can choose from a list of over 65 emotions that best matches how they feel. Via video, audio or transcript, they will receive pre-recorded coaching on that specific emotion that supports them to step outside their comfort zone and access more of their potential!
Emotional Empowerment Individualand Group Coaching
Focus: Personalized support to address specific challenges
Availablity: Virtual
Utilizing Emotional Empowerment strategies, participants will become more self-aware to the ways in which individual blocks and challenges have been working for an individual to meet their unaddressed psychological needs. By learning how to address their psychological needs consciously, participants will gain access to greater authenticity, confidence, and inner peace in their leadership abilities.
Emotional Empowerment at Work Training
(2 hours per training)
Focus: Help your workforce strengthen their Emotional Empowerment skill-set through a 5-part series of trainings that delve deeper into the Big 5 negative emotions, as well as gain tools to common workplace challenges.
Availablity: Live both Virtual & In-Person
Emotional Empowerment at Work Training
(2 hours per training)
Focus: Help your workforce strengthen their Emotional Empowerment skill-set through a 5-part series of trainings that delve deeper into the Big 5 negative emotions, as well as gain tools to common workplace challenges.
Availablity: Live both Virtual & In-Person
Emotionally Empowered Sadness at Work: This training strengthens participants skill-set to more deeply address sadness, grief, the ego, and shame in order to live with greater integrity.
Emotionally Empowered Anxiety at Work: This training strengthens participants skill-set to more deeply address anxiety, fear, and outward approval seeking behaviors in order to live with greater self-trust and confidence.
Emotionally Empowered Anger at Work: This training strengthens participants skill-set to more deeply address anger, passive-aggressive behavior, and workplace bullying in order to step into one’s innate power with healthier boundaries and self-respect.
Emotionally Empowered Frustration at Work: This training strengthens participants skill-set to more deeply address frustration, limiting-beliefs, and having difficult conversations in order to live more expansively.
Emotionally Empowered Guilt at Work: This training strengthens participants skill-set to more deeply address guilt, taking things personally, and self-forgiveness in order to cultivate greater self-acceptance and joy within one’s life.
Train the Trainer Certification
Focus: Certify your internal trainers to become EmotionalEmpowerment Facilitators.
Availablity: Combination of Live Virtual and On-Demand Trainings
Get Started Today
Connect with one of our team members to learn how Emotional Empowerment can help meet your organization’s goals.