Children’s book author, entrepreneur, and makeup artist
T Sammarco shares with ELM her journey of coming
to Michelle knowing she was hiding and what she
overcame to realize her dream.
How did you feel when you were hiding?
It’s interesting … we think we are safe when we are hiding, we think we FEEL safe — no risks, no chance of failing, right? But hiding is insidious. It feels like a layer of protection, but there is an erosion, a corrosion that happens quietly, over time, but is surely a devastation of the soul. Hiding is MISERY. I didn’t recognize I was hiding until I started seeing Michelle. My life seemed pretty great on the surface, yet I was yearning for something more — something was tugging at me that longed to be tapped into. I just didn’t know what it was. There was something very powerful about the act of SPEAKING to Michelle. She possesses this amazing way of picking up on energy and hearing the inner TRUTH.
What Fears did you face in order to shine?
So many fears, so many inner and outer critics were spinning around my brain. I was SO anxious. I mean heart-poundingly-running-to-the-bathroom scared! I really had to look at my fears and change my view of what they meant to me. I didn’t shut them out, I brought them in. This is a technique that is unique to Michelle that has been profound for me and so many others. We can’t just deny our negative emotions, or negative experiences. When we embrace them as a part of us that is human, we stop judging them in ourselves and they become less powerful. When we allow ourselves to be less than perfect, we allow ourselves to be free. Freedom allows us to shine.
I’ll never forget when Michelle really brought me clarity on why I couldn’t seem to let go of singing, even though I’d faced so much rejection and difficulty in pursuing it. I was babbling on in a stream-of consciousness as she asked me just the right questions. Somehow she got me to the WHY. Why do I really want to sing? My answer was simple but powerful; “Even though my voice isn’t perfect, I feel I can move people with it. This is my gift, and what I have to share”. She stopped me and had me write it down. It was my absolute TRUTH and she knew it. Now I do too. Taking ownership of that freed me up to let my voice be heard, and for me to be seen.
What is it like now that you’ve allowed yourself to be seen in this way?
When I finished singing the National Anthem to 42,000 people at a sold-out Brewers/Cubs game for ALS it felt INCREDIBLE. I felt powerful, humbled and delighted all at once. And it wasn’t perfect but I had moved people. YES!!! I really allowed myself to take it all in and am still a bit high from it a week later! I know I will likely always deal with a certain amount of anxiety. But I also know that feeling fear will ALWAYS be better than feeling nothing.
Her Completed Dream
Singing the National Anthem at a sold out national baseball game
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