If you are like me, the fast pace of life can make your days, weeks, and months seem like a blur. You add things to your to-do list, cross them off, and move on to adding new things that are important for you to do.
What doesn’t tend to make it on the to-do list is taking time to witness and acknowledge how you have changed and grown. From taking a few moments to reflect on what has shifted inside of you, you will gain a deeper sense of appreciation for who you are at an internal level. Take a moment to witness that which no one else may notice. As you do, you will see how these shifts you have courageously made have had a positive impact on your sense of self.
The gift in giving yourself this moment to witness and acknowledge yourself is that it will attune you to show your appreciation for others in a deeper way as well.
Ready to give it a go?
1) Ask yourself:
What positive changes have I made this year…
In my thoughts/perceptions about myself, others, life?
In my beliefs about what’s possible?
In how I show up?
In how I relate to my emotions?
In how I relate to others?
In any other way that has been important to my sense of self?
*Note that you don’t have to have changes in all the above. The above are simply prompts to acknowledge your inner shifts.
2) Write a note to yourself in how you appreciate yourself for having made the above shifts and what it took for you to make this positive change. Notice how it feels to acknowledge and be grateful for yourself. Notice the gift of deeper insight gained and how it solidifies you knowing yourself, which builds your innate self-worth and confidence.
People who know their innate worth, genuinely and authentically desire to build up others as well.
3) Acknowledge others. List out your top 3 team members from work or your family members. Choose an attribute that is admirable about that person and share it with them.
ie…Team member Jane, I really appreciate how you have shown up to each of our video calls with the camera on ready to go on time this year. It speaks to your professionalism and I appreciate you being a part of my team.
ie…Son John, I saw how tough your Chem class has been. Despite that, you kept preserving and giving your best, despite self-doubts that arose. That is such a powerful trait that will carry you far in life. I am proud of you!
Ninja tip: If your ego (false self) wants to blow off this exercise even though you see the benefit in acknowledging yourself and others, ask yourself why are you feeling resistant. If your resistance is “I don’t have time,” how is that excuse trying to keep you safe from experiencing deeper connection to yourself and others? Relationships with yourself and others take extra effort, however, utilizing your energy in this way will continue to pay dividends in unexpected ways.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
With gratitude for our connection,