International Institute of Emotional Empowerment

How Not to Start Your Day

Emotions seem to be coming up quite strongly lately for a lot of people. Whether you are the one feeling a lot or on the receiving end of others’ feelings, the intensity of emotion can be draining. The interesting thing is that when this occurs, the tendency is to try...

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What If the New Normal Never Comes?

Change is a constant right? Yet the rate, depth and frequency of change is occurring at a level that previous generations haven’t experienced. So here you are trying to do your best with the constant ups and downs, hoping as a society we will find our new normal soon....

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7 Essential Habits for Your Mental Health

7 Essential Habits for Your Mental Health While today is Mental Health Day, I think it is important to acknowledge that we need more than one day to pay attention to our mental health.  The fact is every day should be mental health day. To encourage you to incorporate...

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I Can Never Catch-Up!

Feel like you can never catch up? 3 Tell-Tale Signs Your Perspective Is Exasperating Your Sense of Overwhelm   Let me guess, your plate is full isn’t it?  For most people, their plates are overly stuffed with a mile-high to-do list. When this is the case, it’s...

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When you want CHANGE but aren’t sure HOW??

When you want CHANGE but aren’t sure HOW?? Oh, how I understand that place of knowing there is more for you but, at the same time, you feel stuck with the how. You’ve got your vision set on something that you are expanding into but how exactly do you make that happen?...

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Why the Heck Am I Made Sooooo Sensitive?

Why the Heck Am I Made Sooooo Sensitive? What I believe is key to creating transformation is LOVE. Not romantic love, I’m talking about a love that goes all out for the highest good of a person to break free from chains of non-love that show up as fear and judgement....

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