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International Institute of Emotional Empowerment

Celebrating the Ordinary and the Extraordinary

We all have our routines. You go to bed. The next day, you expect to wake up and get to your regular morning routine. My morning begins with meditation and then goes into making sure the kids have breakfast and lunch made, teeth brushed, papers signed, and are out the...

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Facing the Demands of the Season from True Love

I get it. I am a mom, a woman, a daughter, a wife, a friend, a business owner, a coach. I know there are simply things that HAVE to get done in December. I’ll spare you the talk on reducing that list. Although, I seriously invite you to look at what can be eliminated....

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Celebrate the Season Your Way

Just like there are two sides to every coin, there are also two sides to celebrating the holidays. The reason why so many love the holidays is because of aspects like the joy of giving, celebrating with family, socializing with friends, holiday traditions and making...

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Revision Your Vision

As an Emotionally Sensitive Person (ESP), one of your greatest gifts is to slow down and reflect. Let’s face it, you’re a pretty insightful person! I invite you to use the time to evaluate 2016 in order to make 2017 even more ideal! What are you proud of creating in...

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The Best Gift to Give Yourself This Season

It’s been a few years since I wrote a blog about the song “Silent Night,” and I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite posts that I return to each December. The song so clearly points to the recognition that silence is vital this time of year. We are being given an...

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Courage and Choice

These times are calling for greater courage than ever. The gift, as you claim more courage is greater personal freedom. Over the past weekend, as I held the Courage to Be YOU live event, I saw people transform hopelessness and stuck-ness to greater love and power. How...

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Careful with What You Focus On

One of the biggest obstacles that can get in the way of creating your desires is focusing on what is NOT working from a disempowered perspective. While it is important to understand the aspects of your life that aren’t working for you, the disempowered version will...

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Gratitude for the Choice of Growth

You would think that choosing to live in a life-affirming way is easy. More often than not, the life-affirming route is the more challenging route. I know the “I can’t” voice very well. It shows up as: > I can’t....have that tough conversation with a person I need...

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Up-Leveling Gratitude

Shifting from a negative mindset to a positive, grateful perspective is the first upgrade that each of us are called to do if you want to feel happier about yourself and life. If you want to turn up the volume to feeling grateful, find your pleasure!! Think about it,...

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