Do you ever find yourself saying: “There must be something wrong with me, because I can’t ....” lose weight make money get organized find true friendships find lasting love stay out of debt get along with my family find clients write my book ...and the list goes on...
Watch this Interview to learn more about the impact Emotional Empowerment is having on companies and employees
International Institute of Emotional Empowerment
Loving Others as a Gateway to Loving (More of) Yourself
The path to reeeally knowing love is gaining understanding and compassion toward yourself and others. Sometimes that can been pretty hard, especially if someone is driving you crazy! The tendency is to defend your position. I get it! You want to be seen, understood,...
A Survival Story from Self-Hatred to Self-Love
While self-hatred is rarely talked about as a story of survival, I can tell you from my own experience, as well as those I have worked with, surviving self-hatred often feels like a life or death matter. Working through self-hatred is so challenging for those around...
3 Rules to Live By for the Emotional Sensitive
#1 Don’t Define Yourself Based on the External The sure path to feeling unlovable is to make something outside of yourself mean something about you. Your lovability is not based on anything outside of yourself. You are defining yourself based on the...
3 Emotional Empowerment Hacks to Live More On Purpose
It’s no surprise that people who live out their life’s calling are more fulfilled, at peace, and joyful.But how do you get to the point of actually living a purpose-filled life? To live out your life’s calling, you have to be willing to listen to your heart. Often...
Go to your phone and find a picture of yourself. What do you see? ________________________________________________________________________ What are the qualities of yourself you focus on first? ________________________________________________________________________...
Be BOLD When You Don’t Fit the Mold
For quite some time, because I didn’t fit, I felt ashamed, broken, wrong. No longer. What I learned was the way traditional psychology, EFT, and other personal development strategies teach every which way to get rid of negative emotions, to be freed from them - was...
Freedom in Boldness
The story behind ELMs Cover Shot for Issue 07-04 The cover photo is from the Courage to Be You event held in 2016. After a day of stripping away the shame that had its invisible cloak around us, we stepped into more of our truth. To express our truth, we used warrior...
Living A Spiritually Driven Life
For many years, I knew my purpose was to serve and support others. Other than that tidbit - I didn’t have a clue how! There were days I was excited about the possibilities and then there were days I doubted if my vision would ever happen. A part of me would question:...
A Parting Note from Michelle
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