Watch this Interview to learn more about the impact Emotional Empowerment is having on companies and employees

International Institute of Emotional Empowerment

Gratitude When Discourage

Trust me, I get how difficult, even depressed, you can feel when you are trying to create a new outcome and there is little to no evidence of your desire yet in reality. You and I, as Emotionally Sensitive People (ESP’s), have the tendency to take it personally when...

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Money and Pleasure

There seems to be a taboo that both money and pleasure share. Get too much of either one and it won’t be good for you. Too much money, and you might become a zombie, part of the walking dead without a soul.Too much pleasure, and you set yourself up to be gluttonous....

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Greedy and Evil or Pleasurable and Loving?

For a long, long, long time, money and me did not have a very good relationship. Don’t get me wrong. I have always been taken care of. Since I have been out on my own, I can sum up my relationship with money as a cautious one. I have always been provided for: nice...

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Is There a Boogie Man in Your Money Story?

While the boogie-man is make believe, it can sure feel real! I was such a scaredy-cat as a kid: okay, and sometimes I still am as an adult too :)The only way to overcome those fears are to look at them head on and see what is underneath them. As a kid, that meant...

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Spotlight on Recreating Success

As you stepped into your own personal growth process, how has that impacted your view of success? I had a hard time defining what success meant to me other than working hard, a good job, a house, married, kids, and being surround by family and friends. Success was...

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Ask Michelle

Are My Emotions Telling Me to Give Up? Tracy from Oregon writes: “Michelle, I have been trying to make a living serving others through a modality I am extremely passionate about and know in my heart can support others. The problem is that I have worked extremely hard...

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Redefining Failure

It’s likely that as an emotionally sensitive person that you didn’t have the same experience growing up around failure. Instead, you felt shame or embarrassment. What I want you to know is... it isn’t too late to rewire your subconscious mind & learn how to use...

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Defining Success on Your Terms

As an emotionally sensitive person, I know a part of your definition of success is going to go beyond hitting a certain financial level. At the very minimum, you will include feeling balanced as a key component to success. What else does success mean to you? I invite...

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Letting Go of Being Liked

REJECTION for the emotionally sensitive person can feel like you are being stabbed in the heart. Here’s the real reason why.... When you so deeply desire the approval of others, whether it is to affirm your talent, or being good enough, or liked, unconsciously, you...

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