Ask Michelle

Ask Michelle

A follow up question came in from Marissa in NJ. Marissa writes: “Michelle I loved what you shared in last week’s Empowered Living Magazine where you wrote ‘What other people think of you is none of your business.’ Can you share more about how I can let go of caring...
Putting an End to Hiding

Putting an End to Hiding

The reason most of us hide is a fear of judgment. But who is really doing the judging? Sure, sometimes, it’s the haters on the sidelines. More often than not, it’s the gorilla on your back (aka your ego/inner critic) telling you all the reasons you should feel shame...
No Longer Hiding

No Longer Hiding

As an emotionally sensitive person, it is pretty common for us to hide. My comfort zone was to stay just under the radar. Flying under the radar meant safety. With few people being able to see me, I got the reward of not feeling their judgment. Because, for us...


You know the feeling when you’re with a group of people and everyone around you seems to be engaged and participating in the conversation with ease, everyone that is but you? The group is laughing and enjoying the stories being swapped, while you are left to the...