by Michelle Bersell | Feb 9, 2018 | Emotional Empowerment, Michelle Bersell
Oh, how I understand that place of knowing there is more for you but, at the same time, you feel stuck with the how. You’ve got your vision set on something that you are expanding into but how exactly do you make that happen? Yes, I know that place well. Whether you...
by Michelle Bersell | Feb 16, 2017 | Emotional Empowerment
Go to your phone and find a picture of yourself. What do you see? ________________________________________________________________________ What are the qualities of yourself you focus on first? ________________________________________________________________________...
by Michelle Bersell | Feb 13, 2017 | Emotional Empowerment, Emotional Recovery
For quite some time, because I didn’t fit, I felt ashamed, broken, wrong. No longer. What I learned was the way traditional psychology, EFT, and other personal development strategies teach every which way to get rid of negative emotions, to be freed from them –...