by Michelle Bersell | Mar 23, 2017 | Emotional Care, Emotional Discovery, Emotional Recovery
Do you ever find yourself saying: “There must be something wrong with me, because I can’t ….” lose weight make money get organized find true friendships find lasting love stay out of debt get along with my family find clients write my book …and the list...
by Michelle Bersell | Dec 22, 2016 | Emotional Discovery, Events, Holidays, Spotlight
We all have our routines. You go to bed. The next day, you expect to wake up and get to your regular morning routine. My morning begins with meditation and then goes into making sure the kids have breakfast and lunch made, teeth brushed, papers signed, and are out the...
by Michelle Bersell | Dec 10, 2016 | Emotional Discovery
As an Emotionally Sensitive Person (ESP), one of your greatest gifts is to slow down and reflect. Let’s face it, you’re a pretty insightful person! I invite you to use the time to evaluate 2016 in order to make 2017 even more ideal! What are you proud of creating in...
by Michelle Bersell | Nov 24, 2016 | Emotional Discovery
One of the biggest obstacles that can get in the way of creating your desires is focusing on what is NOT working from a disempowered perspective. While it is important to understand the aspects of your life that aren’t working for you, the disempowered version will...
by Michelle Bersell | Nov 10, 2016 | Emotional Discovery, Emotional Recovery
Trust me, I get how difficult, even depressed, you can feel when you are trying to create a new outcome and there is little to no evidence of your desire yet in reality. You and I, as Emotionally Sensitive People (ESP’s), have the tendency to take it personally when...
by Michelle Bersell | Oct 27, 2016 | Emotional Discovery, Wealth, your money story
While the boogie-man is make believe, it can sure feel real! I was such a scaredy-cat as a kid: okay, and sometimes I still am as an adult too :)The only way to overcome those fears are to look at them head on and see what is underneath them. As a kid, that meant...