by Michelle Bersell | Nov 3, 2017 | Emotional Discovery, Emotional Empowerment, Wealth, your money story
Just like there was a time that I repelled men (when I really wanted to be in a loving relationship), I also had a time that I repelled clients and abundance. During this time in my life, I would have never have guessed that my money struggles had anything to do with...
by Michelle Bersell | Oct 20, 2017 | Emotional Care, Emotional Discovery, Health, Wealth
Here’s my motto: When you’ve tried and tried, it’s time to look inside! Boy, was that the case for me. But once I did some digging in the subconscious, the gates to my desires opened. I want the same for you too! So here’s my question for you: Does Your Subconscious...
by Michelle Bersell | Apr 20, 2017 | Emotional Discovery, Wealth, your money story
1. Get triggered by anyone even talking about money. I used to have a huge judgment against anyone discussing how to be wealthy. It would trigger me to go into a story about this person how they are greedy and just out for the money. That was until I was in so much...
by Michelle Bersell | Nov 6, 2016 | Emotional Recovery, Letting Go, Wealth
There seems to be a taboo that both money and pleasure share. Get too much of either one and it won’t be good for you. Too much money, and you might become a zombie, part of the walking dead without a soul.Too much pleasure, and you set yourself up to be gluttonous....
by Michelle Bersell | Nov 1, 2016 | Emotional Recovery, Holidays, Wealth
For a long, long, long time, money and me did not have a very good relationship. Don’t get me wrong. I have always been taken care of. Since I have been out on my own, I can sum up my relationship with money as a cautious one. I have always been provided for: nice...
by Michelle Bersell | Oct 27, 2016 | Emotional Discovery, Wealth, your money story
While the boogie-man is make believe, it can sure feel real! I was such a scaredy-cat as a kid: okay, and sometimes I still am as an adult too :)The only way to overcome those fears are to look at them head on and see what is underneath them. As a kid, that meant...